Saturday, June 06, 2009

Mourning George Tiller.

Regardless of what you believe about abortion, this is extremely upsetting to me. For the record I do not agree with Tiller's late-term abortion practices, however, I think it is appalling that someone could justify murder as the appropriate response.  

Lately I have been repeatedly SHOCKED by the number of people (whom I know) that believe George Tiller's murder (in a church) was justified. If you feel so strongly that his practices were murder, and you condemn murder in all it's forms, wouldn't you be the first person to protect his right to his life? It seems hypocritical to me that you are so protective of the life a child, but are so unconcerned with the life of a fellow adult human being...  

I thank God that he is my judge and not this small cross section of society, I'm sure I would have been lynched many times over by now...

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