Thursday, June 28, 2007

Oprah to visit Israel and not Palestine - Sign Petition

To: Oprah WInfrey

Dear Oprah, You are planning to travel to "Israel for a solidarity visit". Israel's UN Ambassador, Danny Gillerman, said that a 'visit of a figure with such influence on the international media could help bring an end to the indifference towards the terror threat faced by Israelis'. This statement as well as your visit is troubling, frustrating and confusing us all. You are renown to stand for peace and to support the weak and the oppressed. As we all hailed for apartheid in South Africa and the God given right for all people to live together with equal rights, how can the world idly watch the continued building of the apartheid wall in Palestine? How can the world stay quiet about the thousands of men, women and children who are continuously tortured and confined in Israeli prisons? How can the world condone the Israeli constitution which only permits rights as a proper citizen to those of one certain religion? What is Danny Gillerman talking about? According to all international bodies worldwide (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, United Nations etc.), Israelis are the terrorizors and Palestinians are the terrorized. One of the greatest leaders of our time, Nelson Mandela, said "The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not just an issue of military occupation and Israel is not a country that was established "normally" and happened to occupy another country in 1967. Palestinians are not struggling for a "state" but for freedom, liberation and equality, just like we were struggling for freedom in South Africa. Apartheid is a crime against humanity. Israel has deprived millions of Palestinians of their liberty and property. It has perpetuated a system of gross racial discrimination and inequality. It has systematically incarcerated and tortured thousands of Palestinians, contrary to the rules of international law. It has, in particular, waged a war against a civilian population, in particular children." The Arab-Israeli conflict has a long and complicated history filled with bloodshed, destruction and injustice. We only ask that you read some of the articles that we have attached to give you an idea about the other, less publicized , side. You have always epitomized truth and justice with such integrity - we are hopeful that you will not allow yourself to only see one side of a story - no matter the circumstances! During your visit, please go visit cities like Gaza Hebron, and Jenin in order to witness a life that is considered inhumane and, as a result, worthless to those enduring such humiliation. We hope that you will visit the Palestinian women and children who are taunted, raped, tortured , dehumanized and killed everyday while they guard their homes and families from everyday warfare . You will be amazed by the hope most of these people still have - their faith in God is great. We hope you re-consider the basis for your visit. We want Oprah to promote peace and co-habitation amongst Israelis and Palestinians. We hope that you will not ignore the massacre of thousands of innocent, unnamed Palestinian men, women and children. Israel is blatantly carrying out a massive genocide not to mention violations of basic human rights. There is a dire need for fair representation. If no one will bring it to the forefront, we only ask that you be honest to yourself by basing your visit on solidarity for the Middle East - inclusive of Palestinians. Be objective and ask yourself, who is oppressed? Who is terrorized? In short, Oprah, we hope that you seek truth. Thank you! With all our respect and hope,Seekers of peace and justice: FRIENDS OF PALESTINE


The Undersigned

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